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Currently considered to be the most popular strain of the species Psilocybe cubensis, the Golden Teacher mushroom is a type of psychedelic mushroom that has become increasingly recognized amongst shroom users.
The mushroomâs hallucinogenic effects have been found to be more reliable, with less risk of them causing a âbad trip.â It is for this reason that many people who are new to using shrooms will use this particular magic mushroom.
For many people, Golden Teacher shrooms are considered to be a gateway to other Psilocybe cubensis strains, which may produce a stronger or more unstable psychedelic experience.
Keep reading to learn more about Golden Teacher mushroom and how to get help if hallucinogens have become an unhealthy part of your life!Psilocybe cubensis is a species of psilocybin mushroom of moderate potency whose principal active compounds are psilocybin and psilocin. Commonly called shrooms, magic mushrooms, golden halos, cubes, or gold caps, it belongs to the fungus family Hymenogastraceae and was previously known as Stropharia cubensis. It is the best-known psilocybin mushroom due to its wide distribution and ease of cultivation. This mushroom being optimal for home cultivation specifically, as was suggested in the 1970s, is primarily what led to cubensis being the psilocybin mushroom species most common on the black market as a street drug.
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Magic mushrooms are a type of mushroom containing the drugs psilocybin or psilocin. Psilocybin-containing mushrooms grow all over the world, making them easily accessible. Both psilocybin and psilocin are considered psychedelics, due to their hallucinogenic properties. They are also one of the main substances that can cause a hallucinogenic persisting perception disorder or HPPD to occur for a small but still significant percentage of users.
People often use these mushrooms for their psychoactive properties, as these can produce what many consider to be a spiritual and out-of-body experience.Buy Golden Teacher Mushroom Minnesota , Magic mushroom for sale Minneapolis ,Where to buy shrooms online Saint Paul,Order mushroom ,Purchase mushroom
People can either eat fresh mushrooms or dried mushrooms or even take this substance in a capsule form. While less common, some people may even choose to crush their mushrooms into a dried powder resembling brown rice flour, which can then be snorted or injected.
When ingesting mushrooms, some individuals may choose to eat them raw, steep them in teas, combine them with water or juices, or cook them into foods.
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Compared to other mushrooms, this naturally occurring specimen is one of the most potent strains of Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms. Many people who use this particular mushroom reported feeling enlightened and awakened afterward, and have found that it is less likely their trip will go wrong when using Golden Teachers.
Although Golden Teacher mushrooms and other psilocybin strains are not generally thought of as physically addictive, a psychological addiction to psychedelics can occur from some regular users of such drugs.
Growing mushrooms can be a tedious process, as many strains require controlled conditions to flourish. Golden Teachers have been found to be relatively easy to grow, unlike some of their counterparts, even in sometimes unpredictable environmental conditions.
They also tend to have a fairly quick growth rate and minimal cultivation requirements. This mushroom also releases a decent amount of purplish-black spores, making it easier to take prints of this particular variety.Buy Golden Teacher Mushroom UK , Magic mushroom for sale England ,Where to buy shrooms online Northern Ireland ,Order mushroom Scotland ,Purchase mushroom Wales
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Psilocybin mushrooms are used for their ability to provide individuals with psychedelic experiences. Of course, the exact effects they will have can vary depending on several factors, including:
- The amount being taken
- The mushroomâs potency
- Where it is being taken
- What effects are expected
- The userâs age and weight
- What the user has recently eaten
- Past history of drug use
- The userâs personality
Generally, the effects of mushrooms will kick in after about 30 minutes, and last for around 3 to 6 hours. Most people will experience the strongest side effects during the first 3-4 hours, and start to come down from their trip over the final two hours.
Some of the most common side effects caused by mushrooms are changes in your perception, smell, sight, taste, and touch. For example, some people experience hearing music and seeing colors that arenât really there. Users may also feel very light or heavy.
Many people consider using psychedelic mushrooms to be a spiritual journey. Some other less pleasant side effects that may occur on this psychedelic journey include:
- High blood pressure
- Rapid heart rate
- Dizziness or light-headedness
- Shivers and chills
- Anxiety
- Nausea or vomiting
- Numbness of the tongue and mouth
It is important to be aware that this psychedelic journey can be overwhelming and scary for some people. Especially for new years, it is important to not take a psychedelic mushroom while isolated and to ask for support from more experienced users or a trusted individual.
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Currently, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has mushrooms classified as Schedule I Substances. This means that they have no recognized medical usage (despite recent research being conducted into their therapeutic benefits) and a high risk for abuse.
With that being said, hallucinogenic mushrooms do not have the same addictive traits as those common with drugs such as opioids and stimulants. Even for those who regularly use mushrooms, do not tend to follow typical addictive patterns.
This may be largely due to how quickly drug tolerance builds to these substances. With compulsive use, most people will become used to the effects of psychedelic mushrooms, and may no longer be able to experience its pleasurable and hallucinogenic effects.
Of course, while the Golden Teacher mushroom and other magic mushrooms may not be considered addictive on their own, they may serve as a gateway drug to other illicit and more dangerous substances.
Many people who use shrooms may also experiment with LSD and stimulant drugs, such as cocaine. Some individuals may combine these substances, which can be very dangerous as well as habit-forming.
Taking a mind-altering substance of any kind can be dangerous if not done correctly and safely. There are many potential dangers that can come with using Golden Teacher mushrooms. For starters, if you are not growing these shrooms yourself, there is always the risk that you may not be getting what you think you paid for.
There are several poisonous mushrooms that resemble psilocybin shrooms. Accidentally consuming these can cause damage to your liver, nausea and vomiting, and even prove life-threatening.
Furthermore, mixing mushrooms with other drugs or alcohol can also have unpleasant side effects. Growing, carrying, and selling mushrooms is also illegal in most of the US, with some exceptions in Colorado and Oregon, and getting caught for any of the above can lead to an expensive fine and even jail time.
In order to stay safe while using mushrooms, it is important to do so in the company of a trusted and experienced friend, and in a comfortable environment. Psychedelic substances can also cause anxiety and panic attacks, so being prepared for this ahead of time is also important.
While it is difficult to have a physical overdose from mushrooms, it is quite possible to take too much psilocybin and have a negative reaction that is unpleasant and damaging to both body and mind.Buy Golden Teacher Mushroom UK , Magic mushroom for sale England ,Where to buy shrooms online Northern Ireland ,Order mushroom Scotland ,Purchase mushroom Wales
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